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Gerontology: The Basics (under contract with Routledge, in press), co-authored with Jennifer Sasser.  An over to gerontology, part of the "The Basics" Series of introductory texts.


Leaving a Legacy: Our Aging Society and Future Generations (in progress, co-authored with Andrew Achenbaum).  Book focusing on justice between generations in pension and Social Security policy, as well as environmental ethics.


Dreams for the Second Half of  Life (in progress).  First scholarly monograph on aging and dream interpretation, with chapters including: Midlife Transition, Individuation, Work & Retirement, Illness & Caregiving, Death & Dying, Loss & Grief, the Coming of Age, and Life Review.


Dreams and the Stages of the Soul (in progress). Successor book to The Five Stages of the Soul, exploring dreamwork related to Call, Search, Struggle, Breakthrough and Return.


Aging: Concepts and Controversies, Newbury Park CA: SAGE, 1994 (8th edition, 2014). Textbook based on a liberal education approach to gerontology including classic readings from multiple disciplines. 


Religion, Spirituality and Aging: A Social Work Perspective (edited collection), New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Collection of essays covering research, practice, and directions for the future.


The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting the Spiritual Passages that Shape Our Lives (with David Carroll), Doubleday Anchor Books, 1997. Integral approach to psychology, philosophy and religion as the basis for self-development in the second half of life. Translated into seven languages worldwide; published in paperback (August, 1998).


Dignity and Old Age (co-edited with Rose Dobrof and Robert Disch), New York: Routledge, 1998. Essays on implications of the idea of dignity for philosophy and practice in the field of aging.


Ethics in an Aging Society, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. (Paperback, 1995) The first single author monograph on bioethics and aging, including issues of suicide, Alzheimer's Disease, autonomy in long term care and justice between generations. Application of the Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas to applied ethics.


Abundance of Life: Human Development Policies for an Aging Society, New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. Chapters: Aging in Post-Industrial Society; Quality of Life; Old Age in the Welfare State; The Uses of Time in Late Life; Ideology & Gerontology; Mediating Structures; Mutual Self-help; Education for Older Adults; Retraining Older Workers; Culture, Leisure, and Lifespan Development.





Editor, Human Values in Aging, monthly electronic newsletter (10,000 subscribers), covering spirituality, lifelong learning, geriatric bioethics, and late-life creativity, published by the Humanities and Arts Committee of the Gerontological Society.


Editor, The Soul of Bioethics,bi-monthly electronic newsletter (3000 subscribers), covering clinical bioethics and gerontology, published by the Healthcare Chaplaincy of New York City (2005-2014).


Editor, Teaching Gerontology, monthly electronic newsletter (3,500 subscribers), covering educational resources and pedagogical approaches to education about aging, published by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.


“Revisioning the Aging Society,” Editor of Special Issue of the Journal In Depth, Washington, DC, Fall, 1992.


Guest Editor, Special Issue on "Late Life Learning," Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, (Winter, 1988).


Guest Editor, Special Issue on "Ethics & Aging," Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, (Winter, 1985), 10:2.


Co-Editor (with Thomas Cole and Carter Williams), Aging and the Human Spirit Newsletter, scholarly periodical published by University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston), including book reviews and articles on spirituality and aging, and reports of work in progress on comparative religion, transpersonal psychology, and lifespan development. (1991 - 2003)


Editor, Human Values and Aging Newsletter, published from 1981 - 1986, circulation of 1,700. Newsletter included contributed articles on the humanities and aging, case studies in bioethics, book reviews, bibliographies, project profiles, and reports of new research.




Foreward for Ricca Edmonson, Insight and Wisdom: Meaning and Practice across the Life Course, Polity Press, 2015.


"Positive Aging for an Aging Society," Foreward for Andrzej Klimczuk, Economic Foundations for Creative Aging Policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 (in press).


"Overcoming Objections by Elders to Action on Climate Change," International Journal of Aging and Human Development (in press, 2015).


Foreward to The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker's Guide to Growing Older, by Robert Weber and Carol Orsborn (Inner Traditions,  2015).


"Stages of the Soul and Spirituality in Later Life," Spirituality Dimensions of Ageing, edited by Malcolm Johnson, Cambridge University Press (in press, 2015).


"Solidarity, Sustainability, Stewardship: Ethics Across Generations" (co-authored with Andrew Achenbaum), Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, April, 2014).


"The Gift of Retirement: Let's Not Take It Lightly" Aging Today, Fall, 2014, American Society on Aging.


"Technology and Aging: Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood," Foreward to Toward Post-Aging, by Scott Wright and Katarina Friberg Felsted, Routledge, 2014.


"Solidarity, Sustainability, Stewardship: Ethics Across Generations" (with W. Andrew Achenbaum),

Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, April, 2014.


"Films as Guidance for Positive Aging," Second Journey Journal, 2013.


"Senior Advising, Fast and Slow," CSA Journal, Fall, 2013, Society of Certified Senior Advisors.


"Dreams and the Stages of the Soul," One-ing (2013), Center for Action and Contemplation.


"Follow Your Dreams," CSA Journal, Spring, 2013, Society of Certified Senior Advisors, pp.



"Isolation and the Gifts of Age" Foreward to Isolation and Aging, ed. Mary McCall, Health Professions Press, Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press,  2012.


"Recycling des Lebenszykluse: Zur Gerechtigkeut zwischen den Generationen" ("Recycling the

Life Cycle: On Justice between Generations"),   in Pro-Age oder Anti-Aging?  Altern im Focus der modernen Medizin, edited by Silke Schickanz and Mark Schweda (Campus Verlag, 2012),

 pp. 231-248.


"Aging, Climate Change, and Legacy Thinking," (with Howard Frumkin and Linda Fried),

American Journal of Public Health, 2012.


"Dreams and the Coming of Age," Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, (43:2), July, 2011, pp. 181-207.


"Dreams and Elder Initiations," in Bolton Anthony and Randy Morris (eds.), Rites of Passage

into Elderhood, Second Journey, 2011.


"Getting over Fears of Population Aging" in Aging Today (2011)


"Reflecting on the 21st Century" Generations (Fall, 2010), 34:3, pp. 23-27.


“The New Aging Enterprise” in The SAGE Handbook of Social Gerontology edited by Dale Dannefer and Chris Phillipson, Sage, 2010,  pp. 483-494.


"Reading List for the Future of Aging" Generations (Fall, 2010), 34:3, p. 86.


“Reasons to Believe” in Longevity Rules, edited by Stuart Greenbaum, Eskaton Foundation, 2010.


"Work, Leisure and Health: Revisioning Retirement in the 21st Century," (with Barbara A. Hawkins), Chapter 25, in Leisure, Health and Wellness: Making the Connections, edited by Laura Payne, Barbara Ainsworth and Geoffrey Godbey, State College, PA: Venture Publishing, 2010.


“Eco-Elders: Legacy and Environmental Advocacy,” in Generations (Winter, 2009-2010), special issue on “Environment and Aging,” 33:4, pp. 70-74.


“The Moral Economy of Retirement” in Generations (Fall, 2009), 33:3, pp. 27-33.


“Benefits of an Aging Society,” Generations, American Society on Aging (December, 2009).


Foreward to The Second Chance Revolution, by Edward Rogoff and David Carroll, Rowhouse, 2009.


“Age Branding”  (with Sanjay Sood), in The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Economics, edited by Aimee Drolet, Norbert Schwarz, and Carolyn Yoon, Routledge, 2009.


 “Restoring Confidence in Social Security: Our Obligation to Future Generations,” in Carroll Estes, Leah Rogne, Brooke Hollister, Brian Grossman, and Erica Solway (eds.), Social Insurance and Social Justice, Springer, 2009.


“Aging America and the Boomer Wars,” The Gerontologist (Dec., 2008), 48:839-844.


“Environmentalism as an Aging Issue,” Public Policy and Aging Report  (Spring, 2008), 18:2, pp. 1-7.


“The Maturing of Critical Gerontology” Journal of Aging Studies, 22:2 (April, 2008), pp. 205-209.


“Aging, Generational Opposition, and the Future of the Family,” in Rachel Pruchno and Michael Smyer (Eds.), Challenges of an Aging Society: Ethical Dilemmas, Political Issues, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.


“Retirement Dreams,” Journal of National Academy of Elderlaw Attorneys (2007).


“The Ethics of Good Business: Staying the Moral Ground,” CSA Journal, Society of Certified Senior Advisors, (December, 2006), Vol. 33, pp. 18-20.


“The Ethics of Evacuation,” Public Policy and Aging Report, 16:2 (2006).


 “Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Hardening of the Categories?” Dementia (Feb., 2006), 5:1, pp. 11-25 (with Peter Whitehouse, M.D.).


“White House Conference in 2015: The Shape of Things To Come,” Public Policy and Aging Report , 16:1 (Winter, 2006).


“Is Religion Good for Your Health?” The Gerontologist, 46:1 (Feb., 2006), pp.147-149.


“Later Life and the Farther Reaches of Human Nature,” The Gerontologist, 46 (2006), pp. 695-698.


“Ethical Dilemmas in Old Age Care” Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing, ed. Malcolm Johnson, Cambridge University Press, 2006.


“Educating Students for Culture Change,” AGHE Exchange, Newsletter of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Jan-Feb., 2006.


“Bioethics and Aging” (with Marshall Kapp), The Encyclopedia of Aging, Springer, 2006, pp. 383-385


“Dreams for the Second Half of Life,” Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 45:3 (2005), pp. 271-292


“Silver Industries and the New Aging Enterprise,” Generations, 28:4 (Winter, 2004-2005), pp. 75-78.


"Rumi's Poetry of Aging," Aging Today, American Society on Aging, 26:1 (January/February, 2000)


“Structure and Agency in Late-Life Learning,” in Old Age and Agency, edited by Emmanuelle Tulle, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2004, pp. 29-44.


“From Successful Aging to Conscious Aging,” in May Wykle, Peter Whitehouse, and Diana Morris (Eds.), Successful Aging through the Lifespan, Springer, 2004.


“Ethics and Aging,” in AGHE Brief Bibliography: A Selective Annotated Bibliography for Gerontology Instruction [CD-Rom]. Washington, DC: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, 2004 (with Wiley Mangum).


"Hospital Discharge Planning: Carrying Out Orders?" Journal of Gerontological Social Work, (2004), 43:1, 107-118. 


“That Old Time Religion: Is It Good Enough for Me?” Foreward, for Susan Eisenhandler, Keeping the Faith in Late Life, Springer, 2003.


"Ethics of Financial Planning" in Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance, edited by Lois Vitt; E. Craig MacBean; Jurg K. Siegenthaler, et al., Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,  2003.


“The Challenge of Modernity: Habermas and Critical Theory,” with Jason Powell, in Theory and Science (2003), 4(1), pp. 18-33.


"Conscious Aging: A New Level of Growth in Later Life," Spiritual Eldering Newsletter (Spring, 2002).


"Conscious Aging: A Strategy for Positive Development in Later Life" in Judah Ronch and Joseph Goldfield (eds.) Mental Wellness in Aging: Strength-based Approaches, Health Professions Services Press, 2002.


"Who's Afraid of Life Extension?" for special issue on "Anti-Aging" of Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging (Spring, 2002), Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 33-37.


"Conscious Aging: The Future of Religion in Later Life," Handbook of Religion, Spirituality and Aging (2nd edition), Fortress Press, 2002.


"The Islamic Vision of Aging and Death" Dimensions of Older Adult Ministry, ed. Richard Morgan Westminster John Knox Press, 2002.


"Aging and Meaning at the Turn of the Century," in Robert Weiss and Scott Bass (Eds.), Aging and Meaning, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.


"Lifelong Learning and Sept. 11 Events," Older Adult LEARNer, American Society on Aging (Spring, 2002)


"Rabbi Zusya's Question: Reflections of a Midlife Boomer," Aging Today (Jan-Feb., 2002), pp. 10-11.


"Productive Aging and the Ideology of Old Age," in Nancy Morrow-Howell (ed.), Perspectives on Productive Aging, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.


"What Can We Learn from Elderhostel?" Business and Aging Report, American Society on Aging (Fall, 2001)


"A Debate on the Ethics of Aging: Does the Concept of Autonomy Provide a Sufficient Framework for Aging Policy?" with Larry Polivka, Journal of Aging and Identity 6:4, 223-237 (Dec., 2001)


"Cross-Cultural Geriatric Ethics: Negotiating Our Differences," Generations (Fall, 1998), XXII:3, pp. 32-39.


"Why Dignity Matters," in R. Dobrof, R. Disch and H.R. Moody (eds.), Dignity and Old Age, Haworth Press, 1998.


"The Cost of Autonomy, the Price of Paternalism" in Dignity and Old Age, Haworth Press, 1998.


"Obligations to Future Generations," in Aging and Public Policy Report, ed. Robert B. Hudson, 1996.


"Who Will Say Kadish for Me? Legacy and Philanthropy," (with Rose Dobrof), in Generations (Fall, 1996).


"Critical Theory and Critical Gerontology," in Encyclopedia of Aging, New York: Springer, 1995.


"Scenarios for an Aging Society: Choosing Our Future Selves," In Depth (Winter, 1995-96), 25-31.


“The Forgetful Mourner” Case Study and Commentary,” Hastings Center Report  (January-February, 1995), 25(1): 32-33.


"Ethics," (with Marshall B. Kapp) in Encyclopedia of Aging, New York: Springer, 1995.


"Ageing, Meaning and the Allocation of Resources," Ageing and Society (1995), 15: 163-184.


"Four Scenarios for an Aging Society," Hastings Center Report (September-October, 1994), 24:5, 32-35.


"The Owl of Minerva" [Forward] in L. Eugene Thomas and Susan Eisenhandler (eds.), Aging and the Religious Dimension, Westport, CT: Auburn House, 1994.


"Mysticism and Aging," in Handbook on Religion, Spirituality, and Aging, edited by Melvin Kimble, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1994.


"Age, Productivity, and Transcendence," in Scott Bass (ed.), Perspectives on Productive Aging, Westport, CT: Arbor House, 1993.


"Late Life Learning: A Strategy for Productive Aging," in Scott Bass (ed.), Perspectives on Productive Aging, Westport, CT: Arbor House, 1993.


"What Is Critical Gerontology and Why Does It Matter?" in Thomas Cole (ed.), Voices and Visions: Toward a Critical Gerontology, New York: Springer, 1992.


"Gerontology and Critical Theory," The Gerontologist (June, 1992).


"Bioethics and Aging," in Thomas Cole, Robert Kastenbaum, and David Van Tassel (eds.), Handbook of Aging and the Humanities, New York: Springer, 1992.


"A Critical Perspective on Ethical Dilemmas in Dementia," in Robert Binstock, Peter J. Whitehouse and Stephen Post (eds.), Dementia and Aging: Ethics, Values and Policy Choices, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.


"After Nancy Cruzan: No Easy Answers," Journal of Gerontological Social Work (1991), 17:1/2, 3-6.


"Allocation, Yes; Age-based Rationing, No," in Robert Binstock and Stephen Post (eds.), Are You Ever Too Old for Health Care? Controversies in Medicine, Law, Economics, and Ethics, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.


" 'Rational' Suicide on Grounds of Old Age?" Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (Fall, 1991).


"Organizational Ethics and Health Care Providers," (with Jeffrey Blustein), Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine (American Philosophical Association), 90:2 (Winter, 1991), 6-10.


"The Islamic Vision of Aging and Death" in Thomas Cole (ed.), Special Issue on Spirituality and Aging, Generations, Fall, 1990.


" 'Natural' Limits to Health Care," in Paul Homer and Martha Holstein (eds.), A Good Old Age? The Paradox of Setting Limits, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.


"Choosing a Facility: Ethical Dilemmas of Nursing Home Placement" in Arthur Caplan and Rosalie Kane (eds.), Everyday Ethics, New York: Springer, 1990.


"Ethical Issues in Aging Services," in Abraham Monk (ed.), Handbook of Gerontological Services, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.


"Intergenerational Programs in the Public World" (with Robert Disch) in Handbook for Intergenerational Programs, ed. Sally Newman, New York: Haworth Press, 1990.


"The Politics of Entitlement and the Politics of Productivity" in Scott Bass, E. Kutza, and F. Torres Gil (eds.), Diversity in Aging: Challenges Facing Planners & Policymakers in the 1990's. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989.


"Gerontology with a Human Face," in L. Eugene Thomas (ed.), Aging and the Human Sciences, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.


"Ethical Issues in Research and Service Delivery," (with Douglas Kimmel) in James Birren (ed.), Handbook of Aging and Psychology, New York: Van Nostrand, 1989.


"Age Based Entitlements to Health Care: Where Are the Limits?" Mt. Sinai Journal of Medicine (June, 1989).


"Life Review: Where Did We Come From, Where are We Going?" in Journal of Gerontological Social Work, Special Issue on Life History Methods in Aging (1989).


" 'Natural' Limits to Health Care," Medical Humanities Review (July, 1988), 2:2, 31-38.


"Forging an Intergenerational Consensus," The Generational Journal (July, 1988), 1:2, 78-80.


"From Informed Consent to Negotiated Consent," The Gerontologist (June, 1988), 28: 64-70.


"The Role of the Humanities in Gerontological Education," Newsletter of the Association for Gerontology and Higher Education (Spring, 1988).


"Toward a Critical Gerontology: The Role of the Humanities in Theories of Aging," in James Birren and Vern Bengston (eds.), Emergent Theories of Aging: Psychological and Social Perspectives on Time, Self, and Society, New York: Springer, 1988.


"I've Lived Long Enough!" Bioethics Case Study and Commentary, co-authored with Paul Homer in Cynthia Cohen (ed.), Case Studies in Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment, Bloomington, Univ. of Indiana Press, 1988.


"Hidden Equity Issues in Medicare Program," The Generational Journal (April, 1988), 1:1, 61-63.


"Introduction: Why Worry About Education for Older Adults?" Generations (Winter, 1988), 5-9.


"Success in the Liberal Arts: A Tale of Two Programs," Generations (Winter, 1988), 59-60.


"From Zero-Sum to Productive Society: The Contradictions of an Aging Society," in Robert Morris (ed.), Economic Roles for Older People in Maturing Societies, New York: Springer, 1988.


"Generational Equity and Social Insurance," in Norman Daniels (ed.), Special Issue on Intergenerational Obligations, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, (February, 1988).


"Ethical Dilemmas of Nursing Home Placement," in Nancy Dubler and Ronald Bayer (eds.), Special Issue on Ethical Issues in Discharge Planning and Long Term Care, Generations (Summer, 1987).


"The Humanities, Arts and Aging," The Encyclopedia of Aging, New York: Springer, 1987.

"Ethics and Aging," The Encyclopedia of Aging New York: Springer, 1987.


"Late Life Learning in the Information Society," in J. Birren, D. Peterson and J. Thornton (eds.), Education for Older Adults, Englewood-Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987.


"Inter-Generational Responsibilities: Aging and Social Policy in the 1980's and Beyond," in Bonnie Kantor (ed.), Social Policy and the Economics of Aging, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 1987.


"Education in the Aging Society," in Daedelus, Winter, 1986; reprinted in Our Aging Society: Paradox and Promise, Alan Pifer & Lydia Bronte (eds.), New York: W.W. Norton, 1986.


“Is It Right to Allocate Health Care Resources on Grounds of Age?” in Bandman, Elsie L. and Bandman, Bertram (eds.), Bioethics and Human Rights: A Reader for Health Professionals, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986.


"The Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Old Age," in Thomas Cole and Sally Gadow (eds.), What Does It Mean to Grow Old? Views from the Humanities, Duke University Press, 1986.


"Meaning and Aging: A Bibliographic Essay," (with Thomas Cole) in Cole & Gadow, What Does It Mean to Grow Old? Duke University Press, 1986.


"Ethics and Aging: Old Answers, New Questions," Generations, (Winter, 1985), 5-9.


"Thoughts on Aging, Ethics and Meaning," Generations, (Winter, 1985), 28-29.


"Rationing Medical Resources on Grounds of Age: A Scenario for the Future?" Generations, (Winter, 1985), 43-44.


"Rational Suicide and Old Age," in Gari Lesnoff-Carravaglia (ed.), Aging and the Human Condition, (Vol. II), Human Sciences Press, 1985.


"Philosophy of Education for Older Adults," in The Older Adult as Learner, ed. D. Barry Lumsden, Washington, DC: Hemisphere Publishing Co., 1985.


"Review Essay: Wisdom & Creativity in Old Age," The Gerontologist, (March, 1985).


"The Arts, Humanities, and Aging: A Decade in Review," introductory essay for annotated Bibliography on Culture and Aging edited by John Balkema, National Council on the Aging, Washington, DC., 1985.


"Equity in the Selection of Experimental Subjects for Alzheimer's Disease Research," in N. Dubler and V. Melnick (eds.), Ethical & Legal Issues in Alzheimer's Research, Humana Press, 1985.


"Creativity and Aging," The Wingspread Journal, Racine, Wisconsin: The Johnson Foundation, (Spring, 1985).


"Self-Help and Mutual-Aid Groups for Older People,"Aging Magazine, Washington, DC: U.S. Administration on Aging (March, 1985).


"A Critical Perspective for Policy and Action," in George S. Getzel and Joanna M. Mellor (eds.), Gerontological Social Work Practice with the Community Elderly, Haworth Press, 1985.


"Ethics & Long Term Care: The Complex Choices of Caring for the Frail Elderly," in Business and Health, (December, 1984).


"Self-Help and the Elderly," (co-authored with Frank Riessman and Edmund Worthy),Social Policy, Spring, 1984, Vol. 14, No. 4.


"Moral Development over the Lifespan," Moral Education Forum, Fall, 1984.


"Reminiscence and the Recovery of the Public World," in Marc Kaminsky (ed.), The Uses of Reminiscence, Haworth Press, 1984.


"Bibliography on Reminiscence & Life-Review," Journal of Gerontological Social Work, (Fall, 1984).


"Can Suicide on Grounds of Old Age be Ethically Justified?" in M. Tallmer (ed.), Thanatologic Issues of Old Age, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.


"Ethical Dilemmas of Long Term Care" in G. Getzel & J. Mellor (eds.), Gerontological Social Work Practice in Long Term Care, NY: Haworth, 1983.


"Aging and Cultural Policy" in The Humanities, Arts, and Older Americans, Washington, DC: National Council on the Aging, 1981.


"The Long-Term Care Challenge: Rationalizing a Continuum of Care for Chronically Impaired Elderly," with Rose Dobrof et al. in Mt. Sinai Journal of Medicine, 47:2 (March-April, 1980).


"Education and the Life Cycle: A Philosophy of Aging," in D. Barry Lumsden (ed.), Introduction to Educational Gerontology, Washington, DC: Hemisphere Publishing Company, 1978.


"Should Health Care Resources be Allocated on Grounds of Age?" in Bioethics and Human Rights, E. Bandman & B. Bandman (eds.), Boston: Little, Brown, 1978.


"Philosophical Presuppositions of Education for Old Age," Educational Gerontology: An International Quarterly, 1:1 (Jan., 1976).


"Philosophical Autobiography as an Approach to the Teaching of Philosophy," Newsletter on the Teaching of Philosophy, Bulletin #23, American Philosophical Association, 1974.


"Liberal Education and the Older Adult," International Journal of Continuing Education and Training, (Fall, 1974).




Age Branding, AARP Office of Academic Affairs, (2009).

The New Aging Enterprise, AARP Office of Academic Affairs (2008).


Has Anyone Ever Died of Old Age? Occasional Paper, New York: International Longevity

Center, 2003 (with Leonard Hayflick).


Autonomy and Paternalism: Are They in Conflict? Research Report to the Retirement Research Foundation on ethics in long term care (1987).


Proceedings: Taking Care of Young and Old: The Common Stake Conference Report for the New York Community Trust (1987).


Education and the Aging Society: A Carnegie Conference Report, New York: Carnegie Corporation Project on the Aging Society (1986).


Creativity and Aging: A Conference Report, submitted to National Endowment for the Arts (November, 1984).


A Policy Framework for Aging and Quality-of-Life: Education, Leisure, and Continuing Opportunities, Washington, DC: National Council on the Aging, 1983.


An Evaluation of the Senior Center Humanities Program, Washington, DC, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1981.


"Perspectives on the Later Years," chapter of Report to the President and Congress on the Lifelong Learning Act, Washington, DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Education, Dept. of Health, Education, & Welfare, 1977.


“The Search for Meaning in Later Life,” Reviews of  David Guttmann, Finding Meaning in Life at Midlife and Beyond and Edwin Shneidman, A Commonsense Book of Death, in The Gerontologist (Dec. 2009).


“Getting Over the Denial of Aging,” Review of Muriel Gillick, The Denial of Aging: Perpetual Youth, Eternal Life, and Other Dangerous Fantasies, in The Hastings Center Report (2006).


“Intimations of Prolongevity,” in The Gerontologist  (2004), June; 44(3): 432-436.


Review, Thomas Cole, Robert Kastenbaum and Ruth Ray (eds.), Handbook of Aging and the Humanities (2nd ed.), in The Gerontologist (June, 2001).


Review, James Lindemann Nelson and Hilde Lindemann Nelson, Alzheimer's: Answers to Hard Questions for Families, in the Journal of Value Inquiry (1997: 32: 283-285).


Review, The Clash of Cultures, in Professional Ethics Report, American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fall, 1991) IV: 4, pp. 4-5.


"Final Choices," film review The Gerontologist (August, 1990), 30:4, 572-573.


Review, Eric Kingson et al, Ties That Bind: The Interdependence of Generations in The Gerontologist, 1987.


Review, Bennet M. Rich & Martha Baum, The Aging: A Guide to Public Policy; Donald E. Gelfand, The Aging Network; and Raymond Coward & Gary Lee, The Elderly in Rural Society, in Journal of the American Planning Association, 1985.


Review, David Peterson, Facilitating Education for Older Learners, in Journal of Higher Education, (March-April, 1985).


Review, D.E. Biegel, B.K. Shore, & E. Gordon, Building Support Networks for the Elderly: Theory and Applications in Journal of Gerontological Social Work, (1985).


Review, J. Gunn, Autobiography: Toward a Poetics of Experience in Human Values and Aging Newsletter, (March-April, 1983).


Review, G. Staub, The Social Implications of Long Life in Contemporary Sociology, (Spring, 1983).


Review, Jack Meyer, Meeting Human Needs in Journal of Foundations, (April, 1983).


Review, H. Wershow, Controversial Issues in Gerontology in Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 4:2, 1982).


Review, P. McKee, Philosophical Foundations of Gerontology in The Gerontologist, (Vol.22, No.4, Aug., 1982).


Review, F. Schuon, Logic and Transcendence and The Transcendent Unity of Religions in Shambhala Review (June, 1976).

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